Error while loading project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jul 29 17:50:37 UTC 2009

On 29.07.09 13:48:43, Saulo Soares de Toledo wrote:
> Really don't working yet... :(
> saulo at debian:~$ export KDEDIRS=/usr

So you installed kdevelop into /usr? That is you executed 

and later on did a make install as root?

> saulo at debian:~$ kbuildsycoca4
> kbuildsycoca4 running...
> saulo at debian:~$ kdevelop

What does which kdevelop say?

> WARNING: deleting stale lockfile /home/saulo/.kdevduchain/0/lock
> <unknown program name>(7286)/ KDevelop::allocateRepository: picked
> duchain directory "/home/saulo/.kdevduchain/0"
> When opening the project, the same error.
> All boxes with "kdevelop" are selected on kdebugdialog.

Hmm, I guess you built in Release mode, which I think disables all
output, please rebuild kdevplatform and kdevelop using

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

and make sure to remove the build directory before doing so.


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