Next beta?!

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Jul 24 17:40:12 UTC 2009

On 24.07.09 09:57:22, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Freitag 24 Juli 2009 01:06:55 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Amilcar just approached me regarding a new beta since 58 bugs have been
> > fixed (probably quite some of them already in b4). I can't see a good
> > reason not to release another beta within a week or so, especially since
> > I'm planning to go over the rest of our reports in the next days and try to
> > fix the small annoyances where I can.
> >
> > So, what do you guys think about a short feature freeze from tuesday
> > afternoon until thursday morning (lets say 12PM CET on tuesday til 12AM CET
> > on thursday), so we can make sure we get a stable beta. I think this worked
> > out quite nicely last time.
> >
> > No dot-announcement this time, just a news item on our website, eventually
> > a blog entry by me and of course a mail to the packagers list.
> I'm also not sure whether right now is the right moment. Yes a few bugs have 
> been fixed, but not that many yet..
> I'd opt for maybe in two weeks, so we also get a timeframe for somewhat bigger 
> changes (I've got some plans with the code browser, and maybe the working 
> sets), and don't spam the world with beta announcements.

That would mean having the first beta that depends on KDE 4.3 in about
6-8 weeks or let the next beta already depend on KDE 4.3. I don't really
like either option, but would opt for the former as we'll probably get
some annoyed users if we're depending on KDE4.3/Qt4.5 3 days after the
KDE 4.3 release. 

Ok, so looking at the KDE4.3 release schedule, how about freezing on
Aug. 4th, then let the dust settle for 2-3 days (if there's been larger
features between now and then in trunk) and do a beta5 on 6th/7th?
Hopefully the distro packagers will have enough time after the 4.3
release to finish the KDE packages and then have time for the KDevelop

@Ramon: Is that freeze ok with you? Or does it cause you problems wrt.
your SoC? I don't want you to sit 2-3 days there without being able to
do anything because you cannot commit and I know branches suck in svn :)


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