Next beta?!

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at
Fri Jul 24 07:57:22 UTC 2009

Am Freitag 24 Juli 2009 01:06:55 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> Hi,
> Amilcar just approached me regarding a new beta since 58 bugs have been
> fixed (probably quite some of them already in b4). I can't see a good
> reason not to release another beta within a week or so, especially since
> I'm planning to go over the rest of our reports in the next days and try to
> fix the small annoyances where I can.
> So, what do you guys think about a short feature freeze from tuesday
> afternoon until thursday morning (lets say 12PM CET on tuesday til 12AM CET
> on thursday), so we can make sure we get a stable beta. I think this worked
> out quite nicely last time.
> No dot-announcement this time, just a news item on our website, eventually
> a blog entry by me and of course a mail to the packagers list.

I'm also not sure whether right now is the right moment. Yes a few bugs have 
been fixed, but not that many yet..

I'd opt for maybe in two weeks, so we also get a timeframe for somewhat bigger 
changes (I've got some plans with the code browser, and maybe the working 
sets), and don't spam the world with beta announcements.

Greetings, David

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