
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jul 22 11:48:34 UTC 2009

On 22.07.09 13:34:04, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 21.07.09 21:22:14, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> > On Tuesday 21 July 2009 07:21:45 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > No, openSUSE works fine without it.
> > 
> > But krazy complains about it. As you may have noticed I only do krazy commits 
> > to kdevplatform, because that one actually has an API that should be clean, 
> > consistent and documented. KDevelop has no API, so I do not do commits there.
> Then apparently krazy has a bug. There's no policy saying that we should
> a) use mixed-case headers over lower-case headers
> b) need the KDE/ prefix
> Nor could I find any info about this on the ebn as krazy is apparently
> broken right now.

Soo, I've installed krazy2 here and ran it on a file where I deliberatly
removed the KDE part from the include. The reported error only states that
"it should be KDE/KClass" without explaining why or pointing to a page that
explains why. Hence I'm led to believe that there's no good reason to do so
and I'll revert those commits now.


You fill a much-needed gap.

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