No KDevelop4 Beta5 yet

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Sun Jul 12 08:50:02 UTC 2009

Hi apaku, list,

On Sunday 12 July 2009 10:33:46 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> First and foremost, development is currently rather slow, especially
> since the beta4 release there haven't been a lot of fixes or features
> implemented. So I think a beta5 isn't yet useful. Apart from that I'm on
> holidays now, so (hopefully) will have some time (and motivation) for
> hacking on other larger parts and fixing up some loose ends to make
> beta5 a really really good release.

The reasons I asked are:
- 6 crash bugs have been fixed and,
- We could take a ride with KDE 4.3 RC2

But you are correct, there have been no big changes and it probably makes 
sense to not release yet.

Amilcar Lucas
KDevelop developer/webmaster

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