Some help with launch configurations

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Jul 11 13:04:22 UTC 2009

On 10.07.09 04:52:44, Killerfox wrote:
> >> On Friday 10 July 2009 Kishore wrote:
> >> > I am currently unable to understand the concept of launch configurations. 
> >> > Is there a document that explains this? Or could come dev be kind enough 
> >> > to explain the concept. The final plan and the current state?
> >> 
> >> Hmm, somebody probably should write this up, with rationale and what not.
> >>  
> >> > One of the main confusions i have is the difference between "Project
> >> Target" 
> >> > and "Executable". No matter which target (library or executable in the 
> >> > project) that i specify in "Project Target" it always shows in red. 
> >> 
> >> This is probably some bug -- are you using cmake as build system?
> >
> >Note that you really need to specify the target, not just the folder. So
> >for example to start kdevelop (where the executable target is 'kdevelop' in
> >the folder "app" in the kdevelop project) it is:
> >
> >kdevelop/app/kdevelop
> >
> >However I'm pretty sure that project target doesn't work with custom
> >makefiles as that project type has no information about the targets that
> >exist in the project.
> I cannot launch debug through a target either, I tried just putting the target 
> name, putting the target relative to the project root, and specifying the 
> project name as you just did, but nothing will work, I always get red. I 
> specify the executables directly every time. It would be great to add 
> completion menu just like the file line edit.

There is already completion available there. Note that the matching is
case-sensitive currently, so if your project is actually shown as
"Foobar" in the project tree, then you'll have to type "Fo" to trigger
completion and get this to work. But it works just fine here.


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