Stability of our beta

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Jan 28 17:42:17 UTC 2009

On 28.01.09 18:34:16, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 28.01.09 18:23:27, David nolden wrote:
> > I've implemented and checked in my workaround now, and it seems to work very 
> > well. I've at least parsed full kdelibs with 2 parsing-threads on my dual-core 
> > machine without a crash.
> > 
> > Since i've also fixed some other crashes within the last days, and the 
> > completion features I've added are low-risk while adding good value, I suggest 
> > the current revision as new beta tag.
> I've also had to commit a bugfix which affects the run support. As tarballs
> have already been made I'll tag this as 3.9.91 and hence our first beta
> will have that version (and 3.9.90 will be a not-officially-released
> alpha). 

PS: I just noticed that our beta tag of kdevelop actually requires
kdevplatform 0.9.85 (i.e. last alpha) - ooops.

And I wanted to say thanks to you David, you really put in a lot of effort
even though you have important real-life commitments.

You will be held hostage by a radical group.

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