Where to put Previous/Next View and better names

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Feb 22 20:56:52 UTC 2009

On 22.02.09 16:46:50, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> as one might see from the commit messages I've started on the
> "most-recently-used view" walker. But I've got two doubts: 
> a) actions to walk forward/reverse through the list of mru-views are
> currently called "Next View" and "Previous View" which will confuse
> people given that we already have Next/Previous Window (which switches
> from one tab to the next/previous one). Unfortunately using "Walk
> through recently used views" and "Walk through recently used views
> (reverse)" are a bit too long for the menu. So does anybody have any
> good suggestions?

One other idea I just had: "Last Accessed Views" and "Last Accessed Views
(Reverse)". Or replace Views with Windows to match the "Next/Previous
Window" actions.


Future looks spotty.  You will spill soup in late evening.

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