Crash when opening the designer (and fix)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Feb 22 15:42:05 UTC 2009

On 21.02.09 22:19:52, T.R.Shashwath wrote:
> Hi all,
> I encountered a crash when running the latest trunk against Qt 4.5 RC1 when 
> trying to open any UI file using the embedded designer. This seems to be 
> because the file is not opened properly before being sent to the 
> QDesignerFormWindowInterface instance in 
> tools/qtdesigner/qtdesignerdocument.cpp. I'm attaching a patch to open the 
> file before the call to m_form->setContents.

Interesting, it works fine with Qt4.4, YAY for incompatible behaviours
between minor releases.

Anyway, Qt4.4 also opened the file in read-only mode before passing it
on to setContents so the patch itself is ok. Do you have an svn account,
or should I commit it?


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