Start page for KDevelop 4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Feb 17 21:17:23 UTC 2009

On 17.02.09 20:39:12, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> The first thing a user sees upon starting the program. Tells the user a bit 
> about the UI and such. i'm pondering if it might not be an idea to put the 
> Possibilities box at the top, but thought i'd run it past you guys before 
> doing anything with it (it's fairly straight forward, maybe fifteen minutes' 
> worth of work, but still ;) ).
> If the user clicks on don't allow news, this is the view he'll get on the 
> subsequent startups. Items moved around a bit, more central, and news pane 
> hidden away.
> If the user clicks on allow news, this is the view he'll get... This is 
> basically what you had before :)

I like this, except for the overlay-boxes in the first page. Explaining
what each box shows is ok, but it should simply be embedded in that
area, instead of trying to be on top of the area. IMHO.
> * Links are underlined. As David Nolden pointed out, some controls that're
>   buttons didn't quite look it. As buttons would look desperately out of
>   place, i thought i'd make them look like links in stead :)

Makes more sense, yes. One minor usability gripe (though I'm not sure
thats possible with html+css+js): The options-dropdown doesn't hide when
I click "anywhere", only if I click on the options link again.
>   A final idea, actually brought on by Kris' comment on not liking the news 
> pane so much. The Possibilities pane could very well contain a link to the 
> help system and the website, where such information could be managed in a 
> pleasant way. An entry in the list such as "New to programming?" with a link 
> to the KDevelop Tutorials page, or better yet, a page on with a 
> collection of appropriate links (to the tutorials page, to techbase's kde 
> coding section and so on)



You're at the end of the road again.

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