Start page for KDevelop 4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Feb 17 20:34:33 UTC 2009

On 17.02.09 21:20:44, David nolden wrote:
> Am Dienstag 17 Februar 2009 21:07:51 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > > > 4. We should find a place for a global quickopen somewhere. So you
> > > > could just type a class-, function- or file-name in there, and KDevelop
> > > > would directly open the corresponding file and project.
> > >
> > > This could poententially be confusing at first, since the user doesn't
> > > have any projects open, but I don't dislike the idea.
> >
> > I'm not sure of the usefulness. If the user starts kdev the first time
> > there's nothing we have in the list, if he chooses to have the page
> > available on each start, we'd have to re-open projects in the background
> > and until thats done the list is also empty.
> That would of course only be useful in case the page is shown on every startup 
> even if you're a regular KDevelop user. Else I would feel lost on that page if 
> I exactly know where I want to go.

What about the second point, loading time. As far as I understood
quickopen on this first page is so I can quickly access
files/classes/methods, but if I have to wait for the project(s) being
loaded that kinda defeats the purpose.

> We could also offer something like "Close 
> Session", closing everything currently open, and allowing a fresh start from 
> the start-page, then this could be handy as well.

+1 on the "close session" or rather have "start with empty session"
"button" on it.
> Not sure if I'd really use it much, but we have the architecture so we could 
> use it for something like this.

Yes, I know for sure I'm not using it, but it improves the
beginner-experience a lot. I'd even say that if we need to make smaller
adjustments to the architecture to allow to have a properly working
welcome page its always worth the effort.


Everything that you know is wrong, but you can be straightened out.

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