Start page for KDevelop 4

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Feb 17 20:10:22 UTC 2009

On 17.02.09 19:32:21, Milian Wolff wrote:
> On Monday 16 February 2009, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> >   As promised a while back, i have finally gotten around to putting
> > together a proposal for a start page type thing for KDevelop 4. After
> > linking to it in channel, apaku requested that i throw it at the mercy of
> > the mailing list, and as such:
> >
> >
> Interesting and I think it's a must-have for an IDE.
> Why not use Plasma for that purpose?  And reading the current replies to your 
> proposals everybody has a different idea of how his entry page should look 
> like. With Plasma in kdelibs it should be pretty straight-forward to implement 
> something like this. And I bet we could get help from a few Plasma wizards.
> Think of the advantages:
> - scriptable applets, distributable via Hot New Stuff network => sharable, 
> extendable
> - adapts to the look of the application/system (at least inside Amarok it 
> does, not sure how hard this was)
> - we are not reinventing the wheel
> - wealth of existing applets to choose from, for example feed readers or 
> similar
> possibly many more
> I think Plasma is born for that purpose.

Looking at what amarok does with it, from a users perspective: No its
not. In particular plasma is meant to provide interactive widgets in an
"area" where one can freely re-arrange them. The proposed welcome page
doesn't fit this at all, the items are all static, except for clicking
on them, and re-arranging is not something you really need there.


Keep it short for pithy sake.

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