Design of MRU-Navigation wrt. Split-Views

Matt Rogers mattr at
Fri Feb 13 21:27:16 UTC 2009

On Friday 13 February 2009 03:55:57 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been thinking about how I should design the MRU-Navigatin and so far
> I've got a pretty good idea how this will work with 1 active view and even
> with multiple mainwindows. The only thing I'm not sure about is: How to do
> multiple active views in the same Mainwindow.
> I think the "right thing" would be to keep a list of most-recently-used
> documents per split-view. So if I've opened foo, bar, boo and then split on
> boo and open baz in the new splitview I'd have two lists, one with
> foo,bar,boo the other with boo,baz. And depending on which of the two
> split-view's is currently active one walks through one or the other.
> For those who actually use split-view (I don't currently): Would that work?
> Or should both lists be visible at the same time and while switching
> through the list I'll draw an outline around the view thats beeing
> activated?
> Andreas

The lists need to be separated once a view is split off.

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