Design of MRU-Navigation wrt. Split-Views

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Feb 13 09:55:57 UTC 2009


I've been thinking about how I should design the MRU-Navigatin and so far
I've got a pretty good idea how this will work with 1 active view and even
with multiple mainwindows. The only thing I'm not sure about is: How to do
multiple active views in the same Mainwindow.

I think the "right thing" would be to keep a list of most-recently-used
documents per split-view. So if I've opened foo, bar, boo and then split on
boo and open baz in the new splitview I'd have two lists, one with
foo,bar,boo the other with boo,baz. And depending on which of the two
split-view's is currently active one walks through one or the other.

For those who actually use split-view (I don't currently): Would that work?

Or should both lists be visible at the same time and while switching
through the list I'll draw an outline around the view thats beeing


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