How useful is documentview grouping?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Feb 12 07:34:10 UTC 2009

On 11.02.09 22:19:32, Matt Rogers wrote:
> On Wednesday 11 February 2009 16:16:49 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'd like to implement file-navigation history in the near future and am
> > thinking about re-using the documentview for that (showing it when
> > starting to switch between files and hiding it then as well).
> >
> > Obviously if that happens the grouping is a bit of a problem, so I'm
> > wondering (as I don't use documentview myself) how useful the grouping
> > is at all. Would it be a real problem if we loose the grouping and
> > instead have a most-recently-used list of files?
> >
> Yes, it would be a problem. The grouping provides a distinction between a C++ 
> Source file and a C++ header file, for example, making it quite easy to find the 
> difference between task.cpp and task.h w/o having to scan the whole list item.
> The grouping is the main reason i use documentview.

Ok, thanks. Then I'll have to find something else to show the list. 


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