KDevelop4 UI

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Dec 28 16:54:29 UTC 2009

On 28.12.09 17:05:53, David Nolden wrote:
> I've implemented the whole thing now. It basically all works behind KXMLGui's 
> back, because that one neither like the re-ordering nor the re-structuring. 

But it still uses part of xmlgui infrastructure right? If not we could
just drop xmlgui altogether...

> But it seems to work very well, and I do like the resulting structure. I think 
> it's not very confusing, as the "File" menu is still easy to find.
> It still needs some moving around of actions, for example "File -> Quit" needs 
> to go into "Session -> Quit".

I'll try it out over the next days.


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