How to start KDevelop in GDB nowadays?

David Nolden zwabel at
Mon Dec 21 15:00:05 UTC 2009

Am Montag 21 Dezember 2009 15:45:12 schrieb Milian Wolff:
> Hey all!
> How do I start kdevelop inside GDB nowadays? That kdev_starter always
>  insists on spawning new processes in the background and doesn't come with
>  a -debug / - nofork switch...

Either attach to the process, or set a KDEV_SESSION="{...}" environment 

We could add a --debug option, but then we could not use the session-specific 
duchain directory, which again could lead to other problems, for example that 
you cannot reproduce specific persistent duchain problems when starting with 

Greetings, David

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