KDevelop4 UI

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Dec 21 13:47:30 UTC 2009

On 21.12.09 13:45:36, David Nolden wrote:
> Btw. if we should try this out and see that:
> Sessions  Project  Navigation  |  File  Editor  Code  | Window  Settings  Help
> Is too radical we could still reorder it to:
> File  Editor  Code | Sessions  Project  Navigation | Window  Settings  Help
> Which is more conventional, and has a better structure than what we have now, 
> but makes much less sense than the fully re-ordered version.

I think I actually do agree (after a longer walk outside and some time to
getting used to it) on the "more sense" part for your fully re-ordered
version. Maybe we should just try it out sometime soon (i.e. do the fully
re-ordered version) and then see what feedback we get. I did that for the
session-config-dialog and the flat button look in it and it worked well
(i.e. I got feedback about it being bad and easily changed it back to
normal buttons).

Somewhat related: I was planning to get some "getting started" and "whats
where in the GUI" notes/wiki/whatever written over the holidays so we have
at least some basic documentation at hand. As that would need screenshots
and I'd like to not do them more than once, we should try to finish the ui
until maybe end of january, at least such radical changes.


What happened last night can happen again.

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