
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Dec 7 08:54:45 UTC 2009

On 07.12.09 01:44:59, David Nolden wrote:
> SVN commit 1059604 by zwabel:
> Show the set of contained projects with each session in the menu, so you know what session you might want to start

I don't think I like this. This makes the menu entry overly long very
easily. Even with just 4 projects its too long already IMHO.

> +QString Session::description() const
> +{
> +    QString ret = name();
> +    
> +    KUrl::List openProjects = d->config->group( "General Options" ).readEntry( "Open Projects", QStringList() );
> +
> +    if(!openProjects.isEmpty()) {
> +        if(!ret.isEmpty())
> +            ret += ":  ";
> +        
> +        QStringList projectNames;
> +        
> +        foreach(KUrl url, openProjects)
> +        {
> +            QString projectName = url.fileName();
> +            if(projectName.endsWith(".kdev4"))
> +                projectName = projectName.left(projectName.size()-6);
> +            projectNames << projectName;
> +        }
> +        
> +        ret += projectNames.join(", ");
> +    }
> +    
> +    return ret;
> +}

This is wrong, the project name is not the .kdev4 filename minus the
suffix. There's a separate project name entry in the config.


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