Problem with workingsets and temporary area switching

David Nolden zwabel at
Tue Dec 1 09:25:22 UTC 2009

Am Dienstag 01 Dezember 2009 02:18:17 schrieb Alexander Dymo:
> понеділок, 30-лис-2009 20:19:58 David Nolden ви написали:
> > Hmm at least from what I remember, a working-set only holds information
> >  about the view list/layout and nothing more. So it shouldn't affect the
> >  toolviews. Only the temporary area-switching might _temporarily_ affect
> >  the tool-views, that's true. But actually that should be fixable with a
> > "setUpdatesEnabled(false)" on the main-window during the switch.
> That's what we already do IIRC but that's not a fix. Switching areas will
At least it shouldn't flicker then, so the flicker is probably a bug in Qt. 
For me, with Qt 4.6 the whole KDevelop4 is one big flicker, unfortunately..

> always involve at hiding, reparenting to 0 and then back to mainwindow, and
> showing toolviews. All things should never happen to the toolviews when you
> manage opened files in the area.

Well, switching working-sets is a manual action that you don't do every few 
seconds, and IMO it doesn't matter how many widgets are temporarily reparented 
in the background during the action, if it in turn makes the code simpler.

For the special-case you mentioned (no document is open, user opens a new one 
thereby creating a new working-set), we could add some simple additions so we 
simply don't do temporary area-switching when it's not required, namely if 
both the currently open working-set and the opened working-set are empty.

Greetings, David

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