Problem with workingsets and temporary area switching

Alexander Dymo alexander.dymo at
Tue Dec 1 01:18:17 UTC 2009

понеділок, 30-лис-2009 20:19:58 David Nolden ви написали:
> Hmm at least from what I remember, a working-set only holds information
>  about the view list/layout and nothing more. So it shouldn't affect the
>  toolviews. Only the temporary area-switching might _temporarily_ affect
>  the tool-views, that's true. But actually that should be fixable with a
> "setUpdatesEnabled(false)" on the main-window during the switch.

That's what we already do IIRC but that's not a fix. Switching areas will 
always involve at hiding, reparenting to 0 and then back to mainwindow, and 
showing toolviews. All things should never happen to the toolviews when you 
manage opened files in the area.

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