Improving generic KPart support in KDevelop (by example of Okteta)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Aug 6 10:16:49 UTC 2009

On 05.08.09 23:55:58, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Mercredi, le 5 août 2009, à 21:39, Andreas Pakulat a écrit:
> > However a quick look at kxmlgui.xsd suggests that parts/plugins
> > shouldn't use the append-feature at all. I'm not sure whats wrong, the
> > xsd or the implementation or both. So what we need is input from someone
> > who knows xmlgui in-and-out and I think the only person coming close to
> > that is David Faure at the moment.
> Think so, too. Are you going to approach him about this?

Don't have the time atm, can you do that?


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