Kompare support for patch and difference reviewing

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Aug 5 21:25:21 UTC 2009

On 05.08.09 22:56:20, Aleix Pol wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> > On 05.08.09 12:39:32, Aleix Pol wrote:
> > > Yes, I know... but it was a little workaroundish... I think that the
> > files
> > > that don't have a url representation is because they have a specific URL
> > > (like unnamed or something like that). Plus we still need some way to get
> > > the information from the Document.
> >
> > Hmm, I just remembered that just the URL won't be enough, you'll also
> > have to have a proper mimetype to register your custom document with the
> > documentcontroller. So you'll have to make sure to supply either a
> > custom mimetype, or you could use the diff-mimetype but will have to
> > make sure that KMimeType will identify the given url as that mimetype...
> If the URL is the file's, we will have the .cpp mimetype (in the case of
> .cpp files). I should add something after or smth like that, isn't it?

Hmm, indeed. I'm actually not sure if we can do this at all this easily
as KMimeType won't know about custom mimetypes. So I guess we'd have to
add our own custom mimetype for kdelibs/mimetypes/kde.xml, I'm just not
sure how the general position with core-devs is about adding a mimetype
there that won't ever get into the fdo shared-mime-info... 

I suggest to ask kde-core-devel how we should go about this, that is how
a url/filename could be created that matches our home-grown mimetype
such that our documentcontroller will know what kind of document to

If thats not possible, we'll have to extend our documentcontroller to
allow more direct creation of document instances...


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