Next release

Aleix Pol aleixpol at
Tue Apr 28 23:47:45 UTC 2009

What happens on 5th may?
maybe we can just move it few days, right?

I have some local changes that I need to review to commit too.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Dirk still didn't get back to me and I didn't manage to catch him on
> IRC, so there's been no release. As Amilcar said it would be quite nice
> to get a release out on the birthday of kdevelop, May 5th. One slight
> problem with that is that I'd really like to release the next beta with
> the new run framework to gather feedback and bugreports. However as I
> said there are still 2 smaller things left and possibly some larger ones
> (like cleaning up the Debug-actions mess). Also the debuggers variable
> view is still in a semi-broken state (yes my fault, else it would be at
> least obviously non-working)
> May 5th is in 6 days and I think this time I'm going to create the
> tarballs myself and send a mail to dirk and sysadmins to ask for
> uploading them to the kde machine to hopefully speed up the process. I
> can do that during May 4th and write an announcement for the dot as
> well.
> What do you say? Is that too short to get everything fixed up? (note
> that I won't be online on friday - but hacking - and probably most of
> saturday non-hacking).
> Andreas
> --
> Good day to deal with people in high places; particularly lonely
> stewardesses.
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