loading kross plugins

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Apr 21 06:43:11 UTC 2009

On 21.04.09 00:06:24, Aleix Pol wrote:
> hi (andreas),
> I've been checking why doesn't it work to load a kross plugin and I've seen
> that this:
> >  KStandardDirs::locate( "data", info.property("X-KDE-Library").toString(),
> KComponentData("kdevkrossplugins") )
> is always returning an empty string here, so plugincontroller.cpp:346 never
> succeeds, because
> > info.property("X-KDE-Library").toString()

Things to check:

a) is there a X-KDE-Library entry in the kross plugins .desktop file,
pointing to <somesubdir>/<actual scriptfile>
b) is the .desktop file installed under
c) does the script actually exist under
<prefix>/share/apps/kdevkrossplugins/<somesubdir>/<actual scriptfile>

If all of these is ok you could try running kbuildsycoca4. If that also
doesn't help I fear you'll have to dive into the kstandarddirs/kservice
code :( It worked just fine for me when I moved the kross stuff. I'll
try to test this tonight again here.


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