KDevelop 4.0 Release

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Sep 8 21:14:20 UTC 2008

On 08.09.08 10:35:02, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Montag, 8. September 2008 09:11:02 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > You mean 'tested' as in covered by automated tests or as in I'm using
> > this all day long. I think almost all plugins qualify for the latter,
> > except bazaar, mercurial and cvs support (oh and those experiments like
> > duchainviewer). All of them obvously need to go to playground before a
> > release.
> I think stuff like the duchain viewer should stay in KDevplatform, nobody 
> would even get the idea to try such a small thing out when it was lying in 
> playground.

Then I'd like to ask you what the purpose of the duchain viewer in a C++
IDE is?

> Instead we should have a cmake option, like "BUILD_UNSTABLE_PLUGINS", and 
> clearly state that distributions should leave that option disabled.

Its even easier, most optional plugins use
macro_add_optional_subdirectory() so you can simply put a set(BUILD_foo
FALSE) into the top-level CMakeLists.txt and thus disable the
compilation of that plugin by default.

> Then we 
> can leave plugins that we want to have, but that aren't ready _yet_ and 
> developer plugins like the duchain viewer, directly in the source tree.

I disagree, plugins that want to be in the core kdevplatform module or
the kdevelop module should be ready for public use. Anything else either
needs to go to extragear or playground. We'd like to avoid the mess that
we had in kdevelop3 and we already started with that again - for example
the snippet support still has multiple bugs and gets no attention, or
cvs support which is also unmaintained since about a year I think. 

> > > Maybe it'd be good to have a set of use cases / user stories and focus on
> > > completing those.
> >
> > Thats exactly the stuff the usability folk could help with, but I fear
> > they might not have the needed expertise about developers. After all
> > they're not the "average" desktop users...
> Yeah, instead maybe each of us should think of one of his common use-cases 
> that are still problematic, and write it down. As developers, we're the 
> target audience. :)

Good idea. Lets try to think of something in the next days and post it
in a new thread.


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