KDevelop 4.0 Release

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 8 08:35:02 UTC 2008

Am Montag, 8. September 2008 09:11:02 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> You mean 'tested' as in covered by automated tests or as in I'm using
> this all day long. I think almost all plugins qualify for the latter,
> except bazaar, mercurial and cvs support (oh and those experiments like
> duchainviewer). All of them obvously need to go to playground before a
> release.

I think stuff like the duchain viewer should stay in KDevplatform, nobody 
would even get the idea to try such a small thing out when it was lying in 

Instead we should have a cmake option, like "BUILD_UNSTABLE_PLUGINS", and 
clearly state that distributions should leave that option disabled. Then we 
can leave plugins that we want to have, but that aren't ready _yet_ and 
developer plugins like the duchain viewer, directly in the source tree. We 
could even automatically change the application title to "KDevelop Beta" when 
this option is enabled.

> > Maybe it'd be good to have a set of use cases / user stories and focus on
> > completing those.
> Thats exactly the stuff the usability folk could help with, but I fear
> they might not have the needed expertise about developers. After all
> they're not the "average" desktop users...

Yeah, instead maybe each of us should think of one of his common use-cases 
that are still problematic, and write it down. As developers, we're the 
target audience. :)

Greetings, David

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