KDevelop 4.0 Release

David Nolden zwabel at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 7 19:42:45 UTC 2008

Am Sonntag, 7. September 2008 20:58:49 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> Hi,
> yes its that time of the year again, while KDE 4.1 has "just" been
> released that Release team decided that a KDE 4.2 release happening
> earlier would be good (reasoning is to release KDE 4.3 earlier so it
> happens before akademy next year). Details on the release plans can be
> found here:
> http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.2_Release_Schedule
> http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.3_Release_Schedule
> If you look at the 4.2 plan closely you'll notice that it gives us not
> even 2 months of feature-development (provided that we put all our stuff
> into the feature plan before that).
> The question I have is: Do we feel we can make that for our 4.0 release,
> without having to tell everybody that "yeah, 4.0 is kind of an
> early-adopters release, so expect a lot of bugs and missing features".

KDevelop4 has become quite stable. But personally, I want KDevelop 4.0 be a 
really stable release, where all the stuff you generally need is there, and 
that doesn't have any reproducible crashes.

What I'd like to have in KDevelop4:
- Faster CMake parsing, or even better disk-caching of the results
- Documentation integration(So code-completion and navigation can integrate 
with it, and can show documentation for Qt)
- Stable integrated debugger
- Stable SVN support
- Nothing in the UI that makes KDevelop crash, stable split-view stuff
- Stable multiple main-window support(Or disable it in the UI for the release)
- Generally no half-working features
- Enough performance in C++ support to do full-project parsing

I think the C++ support will be good in that time-frame.

But I'm worried about stuff like vcs support, debugger, etc. If we don't get 
stuff stable, it either shouldn't be in the release, or we should release 
later. They need to be stable, and _tested_ for a real 4.0 release.

Also we've got to consider that people will expect KDevelop 4.0 to have a 
similar feature set like KDevelop 3.4, so we should consider calling 
it "KDevLite" or something like that when too much stuff is missing while 
some useful releasable parts are stable.

Greetings, David

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