Default for the Buildset widget

David Nolden zwabel at
Sun Sep 7 19:00:54 UTC 2008

Am Sonntag, 7. September 2008 20:53:16 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> No, that would mean we'd have to define how much of the vertical space
> it should get and then hook into its delegate to provide sizeHint
> information with a lot of code that tries to calculate the proper size.
> Thats simply too much work for too little gain.

Well, I think a simply implementation would be nearly no code. 
QAbstractItemView::sizeHintForRow tells the row height, so you just need to 
update the size whenever you've changed the model with some simple logic.

However it might be a bit confusing to the user, I don't know.

Greetings, David

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