Crash under win32

David Nolden zwabel at
Tue Oct 21 20:41:51 UTC 2008

Am Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008 22:13:28 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> Hi,
> I had hoped I could blog about kdev4 on win32 again today, but
> unfortunately opening a project fails currently. Its a crash deep in
> duchain, from the cmake manager. The backrace is below, its not very
> extensive, but at least has line information (though they seem to be off by
> one). Basically it crashes inside syncFromSmart when creating the mutex
> locker. At the end after the backtrace you can see the this pointer inside
> ::range and ::syncFromSmart. As you can see the m_smartRange and
> m_smartMutex are both 0, so somethings wrong
> I need some help here as I basically have no idea where to start looking.
> Andreas

Forget my last mail. After looking at it a bit more exactly, this is probably 
not related to the problems under linux. The question si why it crashes, 
since m_smartRange and m_smartMutex are allowed to be zero, that's totally 
fine when the document isn't loaded. And QMutexLocker(0) is not supposed to 
crash. So what's crashing, that's the question here.

Greetings, David

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