GenericProjectManager improvements

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Oct 5 09:09:24 UTC 2008

On 05.10.08 09:01:10, Niko Sams wrote:
> Don't know if I have understood this correctly: One instance can watch one
> directory or one file - right?

No, one KDirWatch instance can watch up to 8192 files+directories if you
use inotify and if the inotify limit hasn't been changed. If however the
distribution, or user decided to use another watch-method, like fam/gamin
or even polling the filesyste, then you can watch as many files+directories
with 1 KDirWatch instance as you want (no idea wether fam/gamin have a
maximum limit here)

As it seems you're starting from wrong assumptions I'm not going to reply
to the rest.


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