[kdev4] appwizard

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Nov 1 16:36:01 UTC 2008

On 01.11.08 16:28:51, Bernd Buschinski wrote:
> A very small appwizard improvement to give it some basic functions.
> I changed the logic a bit, now it creates a new directory for a new 
> project(like kdev3 did).

That was actually a conscious decision. Yes it needs some adjustments to
your behaviour, but the problem that we're trying to solve is that a name
might have characters that are invalid on a certain filesystem. And I think
Qt doesn't give us a way to find out wether thats the case or not, so
there's simply no way to prefilling the field with something sensible.

I'm open for suggestions on making this easier to discover for users.
Ideally I'd like to have a way of automatically using the parts of the name
that do work on a given filesystem, but I can't see an easy way to find
that information (iteratively trying to create a dir from the projectname
in a tempdir is not exactly a good option here I think).

> I am not sure about the QSignalMapper in appwizarddialog.cpp, I had to add 
> some setMapping to receive a signal.

I'll have a closer look at that later.


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