ProjectKCModule parameters

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Mar 8 18:27:18 UTC 2008

On 08.03.08 15:27:47, Aleix wrote:
> Hi list,
> We've been experiencing some problems with the cmake preferences
> dialog way to retrieve the source folder.
> ProjectKCModule has a QVariantList parameter, and I was using the
> first one [0] to get the project file path and then getting the source
> file from it.
> This worked fine here and for many people but dnolden has been having
> some issues with it because [0] was retrieving a temporary file.
> QUESTION: What parameter should I use? Looks like [1] and [2] would
> our needs too. I changed it to [1] for the moment, just because it
> looks more correct than [0].

You shouldn't use any of them ;) Thats the reason why the builddir
config shouldn't go into the KCM - IMHO.

See projectcontroller.cpp line 108 for the actual values of the
parameters. If you look there, you'll see that 2 and 3 are the "real"
possibly remote files and 0 and 1 are the local temporary files.


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