Proposal for GSoC, want to get your opinions

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Mar 8 18:16:52 UTC 2008

On 08.03.08 14:03:33, David Nolden wrote:
> On Saturday 08 March 2008 13:33:06 Evgeniy Ivanov wrote:
> > I have written the proposal, which I will use to submit application.
> > I've used all you have told and thank to everyone for suggestions and
> > ideas it helped me much to understand what should be done.
> >
> > It will be cool if somebody review it:
> >
> I've read it, it sounds fine.
> But for the "further directions" part, I have a suggestion what you could 
> implement if you should have time left(before doing possible incomplete 
> backends for mecurial/bzr):
> In gitk, you can view the source in a special mode, where the whole code is 
> highlighted by the exact commit and author that changed that code. Holding 
> the mouse over the highlighted code, a tooltop shows the assigned author and 
> commit-message for that code-line. Additionally it would be great if the 
> tooltip showed how the code looked before the commit.

I'm planning to add support for that to Kate in KDE4.1 or 4.2 (at the
latest), so we'd get such a border inside the kate editor. Via the VCS
interfaces this would basically work out of the box for any new VCS

> That would be a great feature, and gitk shows that it's very possible with 
> git(opposed to svn).

Huh? Ever tried Eclipse? Has exactly that feature and svn annotate is
the underlying base command for that. Or did I miss something?


You're being followed.  Cut out the hanky-panky for a few days.

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