what to do during the hackathon open weekend

Alexander Dymo dymo at ukrpost.ua
Sun Mar 2 15:07:54 UTC 2008

On Sunday 02 March 2008 14:31:02 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> as the first weekend of the kdevelop hackathon is basically open for
> everybody I'm wondering wether we should start thinking about stuff like
> tutorials, presentations and such things?

May I suggest an idea? We have pretty cool stuff in duchain and c++ support 
right now but so far only Hamish and David have the thorough knowledge about 
it. It would be cool if they could give a short overview of that stuff live. 
I know, there's a design doc and so on, but nothing could replace the live 
talk directly from experts :)

From my side, I could prepare a short overview of sublime stuff (if you think 
you want to hear it;))

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