Mapping of installed files

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jun 26 17:48:36 UTC 2008

On 26.06.08 17:46:16, David Nolden wrote:
> For a better editing experience, the C++ Language support will need some more 
> information from the build-system. Namely we need to be able to map back from 
> installed files to their source-files, so we:
> 1. Don't end up accidentally editing installed files that will be overwritten 
> during the next installation
> 2. Can do refactoring across project/target boundaries
> 3. Have better navigation
> 4. Source changes can already take effect within kdevelop before the project 
> is installed

Ok, so do you want this to work for .h only, or also for targets
(libs/executables), datafiles and so on?

Would it be enough for C++ support if you can prefer in-project-headers
before out-of-project headers? That is if we provide a method to tell
you "this include dir is inside the project source or builddir and this
other is not"? Or do you really want something like

ProjectItem* getSourceForInstalledFile( const KUrl& url )

Note that the latter might be a lot slower than the former (or more
memory-extensive due to storing a reverse map of installed files to
source files).


Just to have it is enough.

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