
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jun 17 06:37:11 UTC 2008

On 16.06.08 23:21:13, David Nolden wrote:
> SVN commit 821264 by zwabel:
> Cache the icons used in the completion list, and force them to be loaded by converting them to a pixmap, and then back to an icon.
> This was necessary because on my quite ok computer(Athlon 64 3200+), the completion list has become unusably slow due to permanent icon loading.
> Since we're supposed to have an icon cache, and it was faster before, this seems like a bug in KDE. However, it will always be faster creating and loading the icons statically like this.
> For me this makes the completion-list usable again.

There's been a change in the KDE global icon cache lately which causes
it to not use an mmap'ed file anymore. The reason for that are various
crashes due to unclean deletion of the mmaped file (as far as I
understood). I'll try to find the bugreport later and check wether the
problems are all solved and wether its going to be re-enabled.

That said I don't have a problem with the completion here (recent
kdelibs), but I know that icon loading can be extremely slow, just try
and open a subtree in the project treeview. Whats needing so much time
is loading all those icons.


Good day to let down old friends who need help.

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