Success in creating the Java DUChain

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jun 2 14:40:25 UTC 2008

On 02.06.08 23:05:18, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a quick note to say that Java duchain generation has started, and is 
> moving much quicker than I thought it might... I already have classes and 
> methods in the class browser!  However, if anyone knows kdev-pg and wants to 
> figure out why non-constructor methods don't have their method bodies parsed, 
> that would be great...
> To build, checkout and install kdevelop-pg-qt, then the java support from the 
> following locations in svn:
> /home/kde/trunk/playground/devtools/kdevelop-pg-qt
> /home/kde/trunk/playground/devtools/kdevelop4-extra-plugins/java
> Open a java file, and you'll see the ast and duchain dumped to the console.

Could it be that you forgot to check something in? The generated AST
doesn't have a member called "ducontext". Or are you patching the
generated one after each re-generation?

BTW: I've made a shared lib out of the parser library now, so people
with 64bit systems can test as well.


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