Crash after requesting context menu (after reopening the project)

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Mon Jul 28 19:58:51 UTC 2008

On 28.07.08 21:05:42, Evgeniy Ivanov wrote:
> After I reopen the project and request context menu in the projects view
> I get crash. Everything is ok, only context menu crashes KDevelop.
> It's a new behavior, so it isn't look affected by my changes (I do
> everything in a safe place).
> So I do:
> void DistributedVersionControlPlugin::checkoutFinished(KJob* _checkoutJob)
> {
>     DVCSjob* checkoutJob = dynamic_cast<DVCSjob*>(_checkoutJob);
>     KDevelop::IProject* curProject =
> core()->projectController()->findProjectForUrl(KUrl(checkoutJob->getDirectory()
> ));
>     KUrl projectFile = curProject->projectFileUrl();
>     qDebug() << "projectFile is " << projectFile << " JobDir is "
> <<checkoutJob->getDirectory();
>     qDebug() << "Project will be closed and open";
>     core()->projectController()->closeProject(curProject);
>     core()->projectController()->openProject(projectFile);
> I get new project opened, but context menus...
> Here bt:
> #0  0xb5d649d9 in KDevelop::IPlugin::core (this=0x852e0a8) at
> /workspace/gsoc/kdevplatform/interfaces/iplugin.cpp:181
> 181         return d->core;
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0xb5d649d9 in KDevelop::IPlugin::core (this=0x852e0a8) at
> /workspace/gsoc/kdevplatform/interfaces/iplugin.cpp:181
> #1  0xb5d649fb in KDevelop::IPlugin::extensionManager (this=0x852e0a8)
> at /workspace/gsoc/kdevplatform/interfaces/iplugin.cpp:186

This backtrace suggests that you have BiC problems with your plugins. I
suggest to remove anything starting with libkdev and kdev from your
kde4/lib dir and then remove your builddirs and rebuild+reinstall both
kdevplatform and kdevelop. 

That line simply can't crash.


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