Expose qtests through buildsystem

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jul 22 09:07:09 UTC 2008

On 21.07.08 23:12:32, Matt Rogers wrote:
> On Jul 21, 2008, at 12:39 PM, Aleix wrote:
>> If you think this is the correct way to work i'll commit it
> Not that this is of any concern for those of us with CMake, but what  
> about handling automake or standard Makefile projects with this? In most 
> cases, automake is 'make check' and the standard Makefile projects could 
> use whatever they want. What about ant, should somebody step up with 
> support for that?

Note: I haven't yet looked through the patch.

They all can use ProjectTargetItem as base if the other don't fit. Its
still there, its still a general target in the project tree. And at
least ant also knows what a target is ;) The Makefile support will also
just use that, if it even can (I have no idea how advanced it is these

The new items are specifically when a project/buildsystem manager knows
about the actual type of target. This way other plugins don't need to
re-invent the wheel when trying to find out wether a given target item
is created for building a unit-test. Or for building a library (which is
interesting if/when we port the packaging-plugin).


You can do very well in speculation where land or anything to do with dirt
is concerned.

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