VCS interface

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Jul 11 15:17:59 UTC 2008

On 11.07.08 16:45:12, Aleix wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am looking at the KDevelop4 VCS interface and I'm not really seeing how
> can this be used.
> There is a quite rich interface but it is not being used because the only
> way I see it is being called is from the Context Menus inside the plugin
> itself. I would understand this inteface if the menus were actually shared
> between all the plugins but they're being replicated around... maybe I'm
> missing something.
> Shouldn't the basicversioncontrol class create the menu and enqueue the job
> itself? that way we would have a ready interface for all the possible VCS
> without having to define it, otherwise having such an interface is a jail
> for the plugin developer...

Yes the menu-creation and enqueuing of the job should move to a more
core component. But not IBasicVersionControl. That class is a pure
interface and should stay that way. I'm not sure how much can be moved
though, a plugin may need to provide its own implementation of
VcsLocation (or at least fill it in itself)...

I'm not sure what exactly you mean with the last sentence above, however
the vcs interfaces are mostly there to be called from other plugins (yes
there's no example right now, but there will be sooner or later).


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