HowToAddProgrammingLanguages_8dox.html is empty
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Wed Feb 20 17:31:17 UTC 2008
On 20.02.08 16:19:32, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> > Unless I'm utterly mistaken our local copy is even worse because that
> > information doesn't reflect reality at all.
> Our local copy is broken, but it has mutch more potential than the one on
> Reasons:
> - Uses the latest doxygen version, instead of the two years old one at
You're looking at the wrong site. is dead since I don't
know when.
> - Uses tags for the entire QT, kdelibs, kdebase and kdevplatform. It creates
> cross links with documentation from all these libraries.
Works for me on as well.
> - It is updated every 24 H
See above.
> - We have access to the error logs and can correct them.
See above.
And the api docs on actually fit into the rest of KDE api
> > In fact I think kdevelop doesn't need any API docs atm anyway, it simply
> > has no public API. We should have a minimal front page that directs you
> > to kdevplatform.
> There is no need to destroy all the existing documentation, outdated docs are
> better than no docs.
No, outdated docs are worse than docs. Because with outdated and
incorrect docs people start asking questions to us which takes time from
hacking. That documentation was already wrong and incomplete for
> > Any objections against removing doc/api/ and creating a small frontpage?
> I would prefer to just fix the front page, the only problem is that everybody
> creates "Mainpage.dox" files, and there should only be one in the entire
> kdevelop source. kdevplatform can have multiple "Mainpage.dox" files.
I won't link the rest of the pages from the mainpage and thus they can
as well be removed. There's no point in keeping that documentation,
kdevelop has no API all the docs are in kdevplatform and should be
maintained there.
You need more time; and you probably always will.
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