broken QObject::connect in quickopen plugin

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Dec 11 12:45:21 UTC 2008

On 11.12.08 12:34:26, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 11. Dezember 2008 10:09:07 schrieb Andreas Pakulat:
> > Hi,
> > The second connect is wrong, selectionChanged doesn't provide model indexes
> > as parameters. IIRC its itemselection, which will need a separate slot.
> Yes that call probably simply does nothing.
> > I didn't fix this because I'm not sure what the inteded behaviour is when
> > multiple items are selected (does the view even support that?).
> >
> > Which brings me to my question: Can we have the multiple selection in
> > quickopen back? I'm using that feature every once in a while in KDevelop3.
> What's it useful for, and how is it supposed to work when the keyboard focus 
> always stays in the line edit?

Well, the use-case I'm after is opening a couple of files at once instead
of opening one, again doing quickopen to open the next one.

A way to implement it wrt. to keyboard focus is to use Ctrl+Up/Down for
moving the "current index" (this doesn't select the items) and then having
Ctrl+Space select the current item. Up/Down would still adjust selection
and current item at the same time. Similar to any other list that has
multi-selection enabled.


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