kdev4 with multiple projects + code completion across projects

Marek Jasovsky jasovsky.marek at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 14:17:34 UTC 2008


2008/8/30, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> On 30.08.08 10:55:40, Marek Jasovsky wrote:
>> 2 questions
>> does anyone have some template for kdev4 plugin, so that I know what
>> is needed to build one?
> Just take any of the smaller ones, for example plugins/filemanager in
> kdevplatform.
>> 2nd one. does code completion for cpp work also within all opened
>> projects within one instance of kdev4(this would be workspace scope
>> for eclipse / solution scope for VisualStudio) I have the feeling code
>> completion does not work as expected when base and derived classes are
>> in different projects.
> It works always, as long as C++ support can find the relevant headers by
> finding the needed include directories. So this might fail for
> custom-makefile projects, custom buildsystems and under some
> circumstances even for qmake project.

How can I force kdev4 to find include files in $home/kdev4 instead of
/usr include files? yes, you are true sometimes kde4 can't locate my
include files.
> Note though, that code-completion might not get updates when the two
> projects depend on each other and you change something in one without
> building+installing it. This is because we don't yet have a mapping from
> installed header files to the ones inside the source tree of opened
> projects. So C++ support simply uses the installed header files at the
> moment.
> Andreas
> --
> You will have long and healthy life.
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