[RFC] Switch to RapidSVN's client lib

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Sep 25 13:32:19 UTC 2007


the last 2/3 weeks I've been looking into the subversion plugin, seeing
if it needs work. And it does need some love indeed. I'd like to "hide"
some things, remove the "Core" class (which basically just provides tons
of functions) and make the whole thing more "object oriented".

My problem is: The svn-API is

a) horrible, most of the functions exist in 2-4 versions, depending on
which svn-lib version you want to use
b) horribly documented, the generated doxygen documentation is only
usable on a per-header basis (unless you only look for some structure),
there's no list of existing functions, no grouping whatsoever
c) requiring a lot of low-level-alloc-like code, i.e. plain setup of
some memory pool. 

Therefore I'd like to change our requirement and depend on RapidSVN's
C++ wrapper of the SVN client library. The documentation is far better,
it need much less low-level-setup as far as I can see, it's
object-oriented as far as it can be.

I'd use libsvncpp 0.9.x as minimum required version. (As I don't have
anything earlier here at the moment)

Opinions? Objections?


PS: Uhm, as far as workload goes, I'd have to touch most of the svn-code
that exists anyway so its not much more work to replace it with

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