
Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Sep 21 10:55:40 UTC 2007

On 20.09.07 20:11:11, Matt Rogers wrote:
> On Sep 20, 2007, at 4:49 PM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> >On 20.09.07 21:32:17, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> >>SVN commit 714911 by mueller:
> >>
> >>fix compile
> >
> >2 Problems:
> >
> >a) this file is not from kdevelop, but from the astyle sources. As
> >kdevelop compiles for me just fine, I'd like to ask you to send this
> >patch along with the errors to the astyle developers
> >
> >b) KDE/3.5/kdevelop/ is now "dead", i.e. its not the stable KDevelop
> >anymore (as of 2 or 3 weeks ago). Would you mind comitting this change
> >to branches/kdevelop/3.5/ as well?
> >
> >@KDevelop developers: Should we ask the release-team about removing
> >branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop? Also that would make sure the next KDE
> >release won't release kdevelop from branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop...
> Sorry, but these changes need to stay since we're distributing the astyle 
> source code with KDevelop. Having this pushed up to astyle upstream is nice, 
> but not a requirement.

Did I say to revert this commit? No.

> Also, I don't think we need to be removing branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop or 
> releasing from branches/kdevelop/3.5. We need to just let the 3.x version of 
> KDevelop die already.

Yes, nobody is really actively working on kdev3 anymore (except maybe
Alexander during his work-time). However KDev3 will stay for quite some
time, even if we release 4.0 I don't see all of our users switch
right-away. Removing branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop would clear up some
things, especially as a KDE 3.5.8 is scheduled for mid October. That way
they won't do another 3.4.x release and instead we can release 3.5.0 at
the same time or even before.

> Why do we continue to divide our resources, thus keeping 
> KDevelop 4.0 from actually being finished anytime soon?

Thats not even close to true. I dedicated a day or two on kdev3 hacking
in the last 4 weeks, fixing a few bugs and introducing 1 new feature. In
the same time I did tons of changes to KDev4 (even though some of them
were reverted again). Yes we are short on manpower, but except Alex and
me nobody worked on KDev3 in the last months (except maybe fixing a few
easy bugs) and as far as I can see Alex gets paid for that.


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