Handling of .ui files for code-information

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Sep 19 22:31:50 UTC 2007


I recently thought a bit how we could handle .ui files in kdevelop4.

I'm thinking about a language part for .ui file which would simply
create a DUContext of type class and a couple of declarations for the
widgets in it. That way a C++ or Python language support just needs to
find out that

#include "ui_foo.h" (or import ui_foo) means asking the ui-language part
for the DUContext for that file.

Another option would be making a .ui file parser available as library
and then each language support would have to create the contexts itself
using their own custom types and such things. 

Any other ideas I haven't thought of? Or problems with either approach?


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