KDevelop 4 - current showstoppers

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Oct 31 13:59:58 UTC 2007

On Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> 2) Projects
> * Build selected project - no feedback when no project is selected

IMHO that option should go away anyway as it creates a state which we 
don't support. It was just a quick hack to be able to test the building 
of projects.

Idea for replacement:

- context-menu in the projectmanager, needs to be done anyway
- Build... which pops up a dialog to select 1-n projects to be built
- Build last built projects (naming should be improved obviously) which 
just "reruns" the last build action, i.e. if I built 3 projects before 
and run this action it'll build the same projects again.

That same stuff could work for Rebuild+Install.

Another idea would be putting the selection into the main menu i.e. 

Build->Projects->[X]Foo, [X]Bar, [ ]Baz

And then have Build->Build, Build->Rebuild and so on which use that 
selection in the submenu. But I don't think I like that gui and it 
doesn't scale too well with "many" projects.

> * Currently selected project mechanism is hidden / broken usability -
> you currently need to select project from project manager, should be
> an entry in the project menu to select between them.  If there's only
> a single project, it should always be the currently selected project

See above, I don't think we should act on selection at all.

> 3) Configuration
> * Shouldn't configure project be in the project menu?

Maybe, I really don't have a strong preference, it was just fitting well 
with Settings :)

> * Where did all of the options go?  I know at one point we had a
> config dialog for the c++ background parser

Yes, thats KDevelop3 ;) Seriously though I guess this was in 
lib/settings at the beginning of the year? If so its still in that 
directory, but the directory has gone :)

To get at the directory checkout

svn co -r641348 

But isn't this now the general background parser? AFAIK it has been 
moved into the platform... If so it should be resurrected under 
shell/settings in the platform and made available via the global 
settings (i.e. Configure KDevelop)


Are you a turtle?

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