QMake manager KDevelop question

Kris Wong wongk at seapine.com
Fri Oct 26 12:20:01 UTC 2007

> Can you use the QMake manager to update the .pro files that you have
> created?  My main issue is that there are a number of people
> working on
> this project and I'm really the only one who uses Linux and KDevelop.
> There are a few others looking to start working on Linux and
> will likely
> want to use the Manager to update the project files.  Right
> now I would
> have to always update the pro files by hand and it would be very easy
> for someone to forget and try to use the QMake manager to manage the
> files.  So that is really what this question is about.  I
> haven't tried
> splitting some of the configuration into separate include files and if
> that is how you get the QMake manager to work well in this situation
> then please let me know.
> So to see my problem you need to take the example I gave and then use
> the QMake manager and change the configuration.  What happens is that
> the DESTDIR variable gets written out as
> $${BASEDIR}/release/.  Also if
> you have to set up a different Library path for debug and release then
> you get both configurations listed in the subproject
> settings.  If there
> is a good way to prevent some of these issues then I'd like to know.


I do use a combination of project (.pro) and include (.pri) files.  As we have several different projects, everything common to all projects goes into a file named Common.pri, which all of my project files include.  This includes the "build configuration" setup.  The only thing I use the QMake manager for is adding and removing files from the project.  This works well for me.  I do not use the QMake manager to edit the project settings, this does not work (and I would not expect it to).

Kris Wong

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