QMake manager KDevelop question

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Oct 23 21:53:57 UTC 2007

I'm forwarding this Mail to kdevelop-devel list, IIRC there's at least
one kdevelop user with such a setup. Personally I didn't test this
scenario and thus I'm not sure how much KDevelop will mess up your .pro

Anybody who replies, please add Michael to the Cc.

On 23.10.07 14:26:49, Michael Downey wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the information on bug 151251.  I had another problem that I was 
> thinking about adding a bug/wish request on but the issue might just be how I'm 
> trying to use QMake.
> My current issue is that we want to be able to create separate debug and 
> release builds.  Right now the debug_and_release builds still want to build 
> everything into a single bin directory.  What I am trying to do is create a 
> bin/debug and bin/release build.  I've seen the stuff about using CONFIG() to 
> change the configuration and it seems to work fine.  My problem is that now the 
> QMake manager wants to treat my CONFIG() as a scope and uses both the debug 
> configuration and release configuration setup.  I'm fine as long as I do 
> everything by hand but changing anything causes a lot of incorrect stuff to be 
> written into the .pro file.
> Is there a good way to set up separated debug_and_release builds?  Right now it 
> looks like I will need to do all editing by hand.
> Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:
> SOURCES += main.cpp
> TEMPLATE = app
> CONFIG += warn_on \
>          thread \
>          qt \
>          debug_and_release \
> build_all
> QT -= gui
> BASEDIR = ../bin
> TARGET = bugtest
> CONFIG(debug, debug|release){
>    DESTDIR = $${BASEDIR}/debug/
> }else {
>    DESTDIR = $${BASEDIR}/release/
> }
> Thanks,
> Michael Downey

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